Tcpdf extends ClassObjects
in package
Tcpdf PDF class
Table of Contents
- The default relative position of the cell origin when the border is centered on the cell edge.
- The relative position of the cell origin when the border is external to the cell edge.
- The relative position of the cell origin when the border is internal to the cell edge.
- ZEROCELL = ['margin' => ['T' => 0, 'R' => 0, 'B' => 0, 'L' => 0], 'padding' => ['T' => 0, 'R' => 0, 'B' => 0, 'L' => 0], 'borderpos' => self::BORDERPOS_DEFAULT]
- Default values for cell.
- $barcode : Barcode
- Barcode object.
- $cache : Cache
- Cache object.
- $color : Pdf
- Color object.
- $encrypt : Encrypt
- Encrypt object.
- $file : File
- File object.
- $font : Stack
- Font object.
- $graph : Draw
- Graph object.
- $image : Import
- Image Import object.
- $page : Page
- Page object.
- $pon : int
- Current PDF object number.
- $uniconv : Convert
- Unicode Convert object.
- __construct() : mixed
- Initialize a new PDF object.
- addEmptySignatureAppearance() : void
- Add an empty digital signature appearance (a cliccable rectangle area to get signature properties).
- addInternalLink() : string
- Defines the page and vertical position an internal link points to.
- addPage() : PageData
- Add a new page (wrapper function for $this->page->add()).
- addTextCell() : void
- Adds a text block inside a rectangular cell.
- addTOC() : void
- Add a Table of Contents (TOC) to the document.
- addXObjectContent() : void
- Add the specified raw PDF content to the XObject template.
- addXObjectExtGStateID() : void
- Add the specified ExtGState ID to the XObject template.
- addXObjectFontID() : void
- Add the specified Font ID to the XObject template.
- addXObjectGradientID() : void
- Add the specified Gradient ID to the XObject template.
- addXObjectImageID() : void
- Add the specified Image ID to the XObject template.
- addXObjectSpotColorID() : void
- Add the specified SpotColor ID to the XObject template.
- addXObjectXObjectID() : void
- Add the specified XObject ID to the XObject template.
- closeLayer() : string
- defaultPageContent() : string
- Sets the page common content like Header and Footer.
- downloadPDF() : void
- Trigger the browser Download dialog to download the PDF document.
- enableDefaultPageContent() : void
- Enable or disable the default page content.
- enableZeroWidthBreakPoints() : void
- Enable or disable automatic line breaking points after some non-letter character types.
- exitXObjectTemplate() : void
- Exit from the XObject template mode.
- getBarcode() : string
- Get a barcode PDF code.
- getLastBBox() : TBBox
- Returns the last text bounding box [llx, lly, urx, ury].
- getMIMEAttachmentPDF() : string
- Returns the PDF as base64 mime multi-part email attachment (RFC 2045).
- getOutPDFString() : string
- Returns the RAW PDF string.
- getTextCell() : string
- Returns the PDF code to render a text block inside a rectangular cell.
- getTextLine() : string
- Returns the PDF code to render a single line of text.
- getVersion() : string
- Return the program version.
- getXObjectTemplate() : string
- Returns the PDF code to render the specified XObject template.
- initClassObjects() : void
- Initialize dependencies class objects.
- loadTexHyphenPatterns() : array<string, string>
- Returns an array of hyphenation patterns.
- newLayer() : string
- Creates and return a new PDF Layer.
- newXObjectTemplate() : string
- Create a new XObject template and return the object id.
- renderPDF() : void
- Render the PDF in the browser or output the RAW data in the CLI.
- savePDF() : void
- Save the PDF document to a local file.
- setAnnotation() : int
- Add an annotation and returns the object id.
- setAuthor() : static
- Defines the author of the document.
- setBookmark() : void
- Add a bookmark entry.
- setCreator() : static
- Defines the creator of the document.
- setDefaultCellBorderPos() : void
- Sets the default cell border position.
- setDefaultCellMargin() : void
- Set the default cell margin in user units.
- setDefaultCellPadding() : void
- Set the default cell padding in user units.
- setDisplayMode() : static
- Defines the way the document is to be displayed by the viewer.
- setExtraXMP() : static
- Set additional XMP data to be appended just before the end of "x:xmpmeta" tag.
- setExtraXMPRDF() : static
- Set additional XMP data to be appended just before the end of "rdf:RDF" tag.
- setKeywords() : static
- Associates keywords with the document, generally in the form 'keyword1 keyword2 ...'.
- setLink() : int
- Creates a link in the specified area.
- setNamedDestination() : string
- Add a named destination.
- setPDFFilename() : void
- Set the pdf document base file name.
- setPDFVersion() : static
- Set the PDF version (check PDF reference for valid values).
- setPointToPixelRatio() : void
- Set the pixel/point ratio used to convert pixel values to points.
- setRTL() : static
- Set the default document language direction.
- setSignature() : void
- Enable document signature (requires the OpenSSL Library).
- setSignatureAppearance() : void
- Set the digital signature appearance (a cliccable rectangle area to get signature properties).
- setSignTimeStamp() : void
- Set the signature timestamp.
- setSpaceRegexp() : void
- Set regular expression to detect withespaces or word separators.
- setSRGB() : static
- Set the sRGB mode
- setSubject() : static
- Defines the subject of the document.
- setTexHyphenPatterns() : void
- Sets the hyphen patterns for text.
- setTitle() : static
- Defines the title of the document.
- setUserRights() : void
- Set User's Rights for the PDF Reader.
- setViewerPreferences() : static
- Set the viewer preferences dictionary controlling the way the document is to be presented on the screen or in print.
- toPoints() : float
- Convert user units to internal points unit.
- toUnit() : float
- Convert internal points to user unit.
- toYPoints() : float
- Convert vertical user value to internal points unit.
- toYUnit() : float
- Convert vertical internal points value to user unit.
The default relative position of the cell origin when the border is centered on the cell edge.
public mixed BORDERPOS_DEFAULT =
The relative position of the cell origin when the border is external to the cell edge.
The relative position of the cell origin when the border is internal to the cell edge.
Default values for cell.
public mixed ZEROCELL = ['margin' => ['T' =>
0, 'R' => 0, 'B' => 0, 'L' => 0], 'padding' => ['T'
=> 0, 'R' => 0, 'B' => 0, 'L' => 0], 'borderpos' =>
Barcode object.
public Barcode $barcode
Cache object.
public Cache $cache
Color object.
public Pdf $color
Encrypt object.
public Encrypt
File object.
public File $file
Font object.
public Stack $font
Graph object.
public Draw $graph
Image Import object.
public Import $image
Page object.
public Page $page
Current PDF object number.
public int $pon = 0
Unicode Convert object.
public Convert $uniconv
Initialize a new PDF object.
public __construct([string $unit
= 'mm'
bool $isunicode
= true
bool $subsetfont
= false
bool $compress
= true
string $mode
= ''
Encrypt|null $objEncrypt
= null
]) : mixed
- $unit : string = 'mm'
Unit of measure ('pt', 'mm', 'cm', 'in').
- $isunicode : bool = true
True if the document is in Unicode mode.
- $subsetfont : bool = false
If true subset the embedded fonts to remove the unused characters.
- $compress : bool = true
Set to false to disable stream compression.
- $mode : string = ''
PDF mode: "pdfa1", "pdfa2", "pdfa3", "pdfx" or empty.
- $objEncrypt : Encrypt|null = null
Encryption object.
Add an empty digital signature appearance (a cliccable rectangle area to get signature properties).
public addEmptySignatureAppearance([float $posx
= 0
float $posy
= 0
float $width
= 0
float $heigth
= 0
int $page
= -1
string $name
= ''
]) : void
- $posx : float = 0
Abscissa of the upper-left corner.
- $posy : float = 0
Ordinate of the upper-left corner.
- $width : float = 0
Width of the signature area.
- $heigth : float = 0
Height of the signature area.
- $page : int = -1
option page number (if < 0 the current page is used).
- $name : string = ''
Name of the signature.
Defines the page and vertical position an internal link points to.
public addInternalLink([int $page
= -1
float $posy
= 0
]) : string
- $page : int = -1
Page number.
- $posy : float = 0
Vertical position.
Return values
string —Internal link identifier to be used with setLink().
Add a new page (wrapper function for $this->page->add()).
public addPage([PageInputData $data
= []
]) : PageData
- $data : PageInputData = []
Page data.
Return values
PageData —Page data with additional Page ID property 'pid'.
Adds a text block inside a rectangular cell.
public addTextCell(string $txt[,
int $pid
= -1
float $posx
= 0
float $posy
= 0
float $width
= 0
float $height
= 0
float $offset
= 0
float $linespace
= 0
string $valign
= 'T'
string $halign
= ''
TCellDef|null $cell
= null
StyleDataOpt> $styles
= []
float $strokewidth
= 0
float $wordspacing
= 0
float $leading
= 0
float $rise
= 0
bool $jlast
= true
bool $fill
= true
bool $stroke
= false
bool $underline
= false
bool $linethrough
= false
bool $overline
= false
bool $clip
= false
bool $drawcell
= true
string $forcedir
= ''
TextShadow|null $shadow
= null
]) : void
Accounts for automatic line, page and region breaks.
- $txt : string
Text string to be processed.
- $pid : int = -1
Page index. Omit or set it to -1 for the current page ID.
- $posx : float = 0
Abscissa of upper-left corner relative to the region origin X coordinate.
- $posy : float = 0
Ordinate of upper-left corner relative to the region origin Y coordinate.
- $width : float = 0
- $height : float = 0
- $offset : float = 0
Horizontal offset to apply to the line start.
- $linespace : float = 0
Additional space to add between lines.
- $valign : string = 'T'
Text vertical alignment inside the cell: T=top; C=center; B=bottom.
- $halign : string = ''
Text horizontal alignment inside the cell: L=left; C=center; R=right; J=justify.
- $cell : TCellDef|null = null
Optional to overwrite cell parameters for padding, margin etc.
- $styles : array<int, StyleDataOpt> = []
Cell border styles (see: getCurrentStyleArray).
- $strokewidth : float = 0
Stroke width.
- $wordspacing : float = 0
Word spacing (use it only when justify == false).
- $leading : float = 0
- $rise : float = 0
Text rise.
- $jlast : bool = true
If true does not justify the last line when $halign == J.
- $fill : bool = true
If true fills the text.
- $stroke : bool = false
If true stroke the text.
- $underline : bool = false
If true underline the text.
- $linethrough : bool = false
If true line through the text.
- $overline : bool = false
If true overline the text.
- $clip : bool = false
If true activate clipping mode.
- $drawcell : bool = true
If true draw the cell border.
- $forcedir : string = ''
If 'R' forces RTL, if 'L' forces LTR.
- $shadow : TextShadow|null = null
Text shadow parameters.
Add a Table of Contents (TOC) to the document.
public addTOC([int $page
= -1
float $posx
= 0
float $posy
= 0
float $width
= 0
bool $rtl
= false
StyleDataOpt $linestyle
= ['lineWidth'
=> 0.3, 'lineCap' => 'butt', 'lineJoin' => 'miter',
'dashArray' => [1, 1], 'dashPhase' => 0, 'lineColor' =>
'gray', 'fillColor' => '']
]) : void
The bookmars are created via the setBookmark() method.
- $page : int = -1
Page number.
- $posx : float = 0
Abscissa of the upper-left corner.
- $posy : float = 0
Ordinate of the upper-left corner.
- $width : float = 0
Width of the signature area.
- $rtl : bool = false
Right-To-Left - If true prints the TOC in RTL mode.
- $linestyle : StyleDataOpt = ['lineWidth' => 0.3, 'lineCap' => 'butt', 'lineJoin' => 'miter', 'dashArray' => [1, 1], 'dashPhase' => 0, 'lineColor' => 'gray', 'fillColor' => '']
Line style for the space filler.
Add the specified raw PDF content to the XObject template.
public addXObjectContent(string $tid,
string $data)
: void
- $tid : string
The XObject Template object as returned by the newXObjectTemplate method.
- $data : string
The raw PDF content data to add.
Add the specified ExtGState ID to the XObject template.
public addXObjectExtGStateID(string $tid,
int $key)
: void
- $tid : string
The XObject Template object as returned by the newXObjectTemplate method.
- $key : int
The ExtGState key to add.
Add the specified Font ID to the XObject template.
public addXObjectFontID(string $tid,
string $key)
: void
- $tid : string
The XObject Template object as returned by the newXObjectTemplate method.
- $key : string
The Font key to add.
Add the specified Gradient ID to the XObject template.
public addXObjectGradientID(string $tid,
int $key)
: void
- $tid : string
The XObject Template object as returned by the newXObjectTemplate method.
- $key : int
The Gradient key to add.
Add the specified Image ID to the XObject template.
public addXObjectImageID(string $tid,
int $key)
: void
- $tid : string
The XObject Template object as returned by the newXObjectTemplate method.
- $key : int
TheImage key to add.
Add the specified SpotColor ID to the XObject template.
public addXObjectSpotColorID(string $tid,
string $key)
: void
- $tid : string
The XObject Template object as returned by the newXObjectTemplate method.
- $key : string
The SpotColor key to add.
Add the specified XObject ID to the XObject template.
public addXObjectXObjectID(string $tid,
string $key)
: void
- $tid : string
The XObject Template object as returned by the newXObjectTemplate method.
- $key : string
The XObject key to add.
public closeLayer()
: string
Return values
Sets the page common content like Header and Footer.
public defaultPageContent([int $pid
= -1
]) : string
Override this method to add custom content to all pages.
- $pid : int = -1
Page index. Omit or set it to -1 for the current page ID.
Return values
string —PDF output code.
Trigger the browser Download dialog to download the PDF document.
public downloadPDF([string $rawpdf
= ''
]) : void
- $rawpdf : string = ''
Raw PDF data string from getOutPDFString().
Enable or disable the default page content.
public enableDefaultPageContent([bool $enable
= true
]) : void
- $enable : bool = true
Enable or disable the default page content.
Enable or disable automatic line breaking points after some non-letter character types.
public enableZeroWidthBreakPoints(bool $enabled)
: void
- $enabled : bool
Exit from the XObject template mode.
public exitXObjectTemplate()
: void
See: newXObjectTemplate.
Get a barcode PDF code.
public getBarcode(string $type,
string $code[,
float $posx
= 0
float $posy
= 0
int $width
= -1
int $height
= -1
array{: int, :
int, : int, : int} $padding
= [0, 0, 0,
0] ][,
StyleDataOpt $style
= []
]) : string
- $type : string
Barcode type.
- $code : string
Barcode content.
- $posx : float = 0
Abscissa of upper-left corner.
- $posy : float = 0
Ordinate of upper-left corner.
- $width : int = -1
Barcode width in user units (excluding padding). A negative value indicates the multiplication factor for each column.
- $height : int = -1
Barcode height in user units (excluding padding). A negative value indicates the multiplication factor for each row.
- $padding : array{: int, : int, : int, : int} = [0, 0, 0, 0]
Additional padding to add around the barcode (top, right, bottom, left) in user units. A negative value indicates the multiplication factor for each row or column.
- $style : StyleDataOpt = []
Array of style options.
Return values
Returns the last text bounding box [llx, lly, urx, ury].
public getLastBBox()
: TBBox
Return values
TBBox —Array of bounding box values.
Returns the PDF as base64 mime multi-part email attachment (RFC 2045).
public getMIMEAttachmentPDF([string $rawpdf
= ''
]) : string
- $rawpdf : string = ''
Raw PDF data string from getOutPDFString().
Return values
string —Email attachment as raw string.
Returns the RAW PDF string.
public getOutPDFString()
: string
Return values
Returns the PDF code to render a text block inside a rectangular cell.
public getTextCell(string $txt[,
float $posx
= 0
float $posy
= 0
float $width
= 0
float $height
= 0
float $offset
= 0
float $linespace
= 0
string $valign
= 'C'
string $halign
= 'C'
TCellDef|null $cell
= null
StyleDataOpt> $styles
= []
float $strokewidth
= 0
float $wordspacing
= 0
float $leading
= 0
float $rise
= 0
bool $jlast
= true
bool $fill
= true
bool $stroke
= false
bool $underline
= false
bool $linethrough
= false
bool $overline
= false
bool $clip
= false
bool $drawcell
= true
string $forcedir
= ''
TextShadow|null $shadow
= null
]) : string
- $txt : string
Text string to be processed.
- $posx : float = 0
Abscissa of upper-left corner.
- $posy : float = 0
Ordinate of upper-left corner.
- $width : float = 0
- $height : float = 0
- $offset : float = 0
Horizontal offset to apply to the line start.
- $linespace : float = 0
Additional space to add between lines.
- $valign : string = 'C'
Text vertical alignment inside the cell: T=top; C=center; B=bottom.
- $halign : string = 'C'
Text horizontal alignment inside the cell: L=left; C=center; R=right; J=justify.
- $cell : TCellDef|null = null
Optional to overwrite cell parameters for padding, margin etc.
- $styles : array<int, StyleDataOpt> = []
Cell border styles (see: getCurrentStyleArray).
- $strokewidth : float = 0
Stroke width.
- $wordspacing : float = 0
Word spacing (use it only when justify == false).
- $leading : float = 0
- $rise : float = 0
Text rise.
- $jlast : bool = true
If true does not justify the last line when $halign == J.
- $fill : bool = true
If true fills the text.
- $stroke : bool = false
If true stroke the text.
- $underline : bool = false
If true underline the text.
- $linethrough : bool = false
If true line through the text.
- $overline : bool = false
If true overline the text.
- $clip : bool = false
If true activate clipping mode.
- $drawcell : bool = true
If true draw the cell border.
- $forcedir : string = ''
If 'R' forces RTL, if 'L' forces LTR.
- $shadow : TextShadow|null = null
Text shadow parameters.
Return values
Returns the PDF code to render a single line of text.
public getTextLine(string $txt[,
float $posx
= 0
float $posy
= 0
float $width
= 0
float $strokewidth
= 0
float $wordspacing
= 0
float $leading
= 0
float $rise
= 0
bool $fill
= true
bool $stroke
= false
bool $underline
= false
bool $linethrough
= false
bool $overline
= false
bool $clip
= false
string $forcedir
= ''
TextShadow|null $shadow
= null
]) : string
- $txt : string
Text string to be processed.
- $posx : float = 0
X position relative to the start of the current line.
- $posy : float = 0
Y position relative to the start of the current line (font baseline).
- $width : float = 0
Desired string width to force justification via word spacing (0 = automatic).
- $strokewidth : float = 0
Stroke width.
- $wordspacing : float = 0
Word spacing (use it only when width == 0).
- $leading : float = 0
- $rise : float = 0
Text rise.
- $fill : bool = true
If true fills the text.
- $stroke : bool = false
If true stroke the text.
- $underline : bool = false
If true underline the text.
- $linethrough : bool = false
If true line through the text.
- $overline : bool = false
If true overline the text.
- $clip : bool = false
If true activate clipping mode.
- $forcedir : string = ''
If 'R' forces RTL, if 'L' forces LTR.
- $shadow : TextShadow|null = null
Text shadow parameters.
Return values
Return the program version.
public getVersion()
: string
Return values
Returns the PDF code to render the specified XObject template.
public getXObjectTemplate(string $tid[,
float $posx
= 0
float $posy
= 0
float $width
= 0
float $height
= 0
string $valign
= 'T'
string $halign
= 'L'
]) : string
See: newXObjectTemplate.
- $tid : string
The XObject Template object as returned by the newXObjectTemplate method.
- $posx : float = 0
Abscissa of upper-left corner.
- $posy : float = 0
Ordinate of upper-left corner.
- $width : float = 0
- $height : float = 0
- $valign : string = 'T'
Vertical alignment inside the specified box: T=top; C=center; B=bottom.
- $halign : string = 'L'
Horizontal alignment inside the specified box: L=left; C=center; R=right.
Return values
string —The PDF code to render the specified XObject template.
Initialize dependencies class objects.
public initClassObjects([Encrypt|null $objEncrypt
= null
]) : void
- $objEncrypt : Encrypt|null = null
Encryption object.
Returns an array of hyphenation patterns.
public loadTexHyphenPatterns(string $file)
: array<string,
- $file : string
TEX file containing hypenation patterns. TEX patterns can be downloaded from See for more information.
Return values
array<string, string> —Array of hyphenation patterns.
Creates and return a new PDF Layer.
public newLayer([string $name
= ''
array{view?: bool,
design?: bool} $intent
= []
bool $print
= true
bool $view
= true
bool $lock
= true
]) : string
- $name : string = ''
Layer name (only a-z letters and numbers). Leave empty for automatic name.
- $intent : array{view?: bool, design?: bool} = []
intended use of the graphics in the layer.
- $print : bool = true
Set the printability of the layer.
- $view : bool = true
Set the visibility of the layer.
- $lock : bool = true
Set the lock state of the layer.
Return values
Create a new XObject template and return the object id.
public newXObjectTemplate([float $width
= 0
float $heigth
= 0
TGTransparency|null $transpgroup
= null
]) : string
An XObject Template is a PDF block that is a self-contained description of any sequence of graphics objects (including path objects, text objects, and sampled images). An XObject Template may be painted multiple times, either on several pages or at several locations on the same page and produces the same results each time, subject only to the graphics state at the time it is invoked.
- $width : float = 0
Width of the XObject.
- $heigth : float = 0
Height of the XObject.
- $transpgroup : TGTransparency|null = null
Optional group attributes.
Return values
string —XObject template object ID.
Render the PDF in the browser or output the RAW data in the CLI.
public renderPDF([string $rawpdf
= ''
]) : void
- $rawpdf : string = ''
Raw PDF data string from getOutPDFString().
Save the PDF document to a local file.
public savePDF([string $path
= ''
string $rawpdf
= ''
]) : void
- $path : string = ''
Path to the output file.
- $rawpdf : string = ''
Raw PDF data string from getOutPDFString().
Add an annotation and returns the object id.
public setAnnotation(float $posx,
float $posy,
float $width,
float $height,
string $txt[,
TAnnotOpts $opt
= ['subtype' =>
'text'] ]) :
- $posx : float
Abscissa of upper-left corner.
- $posy : float
Ordinate of upper-left corner.
- $width : float
- $height : float
- $txt : string
Annotation text or alternate content.
- $opt : TAnnotOpts = ['subtype' => 'text']
Array of options (Annotation Types) - all lowercase.
Return values
int —Object ID.
Defines the author of the document.
public setAuthor(string $author)
: static
- $author : string
The name of the author.
Return values
Add a bookmark entry.
public setBookmark(string $name[,
string $link
= ''
int $level
= 0
int $page
= -1
float $posx
= 0
float $posy
= 0
string $fstyle
= ''
string $color
= ''
]) : void
- $name : string
Bookmark description that will be printed in the TOC.
- $link : string = ''
(Optional) URL to open when the link is clicked or an identifier returned by addInternalLink(). A single character prefix may be used to specify the link action:
- '#' = internal destination
- '%' = embedded PDF file
- '*' = embedded generic file
- $level : int = 0
Bookmark level (minimum 0).
- $page : int = -1
Page number.
- $posx : float = 0
Abscissa of upper-left corner.
- $posy : float = 0
Ordinate of upper-left corner.
- $fstyle : string = ''
Font style. Possible values are (case insensitive):
- regular (default)
- B: bold
- I: italic
- U: underline
- D: strikeout (linethrough)
- O: overline
- $color : string = ''
Color name.
Defines the creator of the document.
public setCreator(string $creator)
: static
This is typically the name of the application that generates the PDF.
- $creator : string
The name of the creator.
Return values
Sets the default cell border position.
public setDefaultCellBorderPos(float $borderpos)
: void
- $borderpos : float
Set the default cell margin in user units.
public setDefaultCellMargin(float $top,
float $right,
float $bottom,
float $left)
: void
- $top : float
- $right : float
- $bottom : float
- $left : float
Set the default cell padding in user units.
public setDefaultCellPadding(float $top,
float $right,
float $bottom,
float $left)
: void
- $top : float
- $right : float
- $bottom : float
- $left : float
Defines the way the document is to be displayed by the viewer.
public setDisplayMode([int|string $zoom
= 'default'
string $layout
= 'SinglePage'
string $mode
= 'UseNone'
]) : static
- $zoom : int|string = 'default'
The zoom to use. It can be one of the following string values or a number indicating the zooming factor to use.
- fullpage: displays the entire page on screen * fullwidth: uses maximum width of window
- real: uses real size (equivalent to 100% zoom) * default: uses viewer default mode
- $layout : string = 'SinglePage'
The page layout. Possible values are:
- SinglePage Display one page at a time
- OneColumn Display the pages in one column
- TwoColumnLeft Display the pages in two columns, with odd-numbered pages on the left
- TwoColumnRight Display the pages in two columns, with odd-numbered pages on the right
- TwoPageLeft Display the pages two at a time, with odd-numbered pages on the left
- TwoPageRight Display the pages two at a time, with odd-numbered pages on the right
- $mode : string = 'UseNone'
A name object specifying how the document should be displayed when opened:
- UseNone Neither document outline nor thumbnail images visible
- UseOutlines Document outline visible
- UseThumbs Thumbnail images visible
- FullScreen Full screen, with no menu bar, window controls, or any other window visible
- UseOC (PDF 1.5) Optional content group panel visible
- UseAttachments (PDF 1.6) Attachments panel visible
Return values
Set additional XMP data to be appended just before the end of "x:xmpmeta" tag.
public setExtraXMP(string $xmp)
: static
IMPORTANT: This data is added as-is without controls, so you have to validate your data before using this method.
- $xmp : string
Custom XMP data.
Return values
Set additional XMP data to be appended just before the end of "rdf:RDF" tag.
public setExtraXMPRDF(string $xmp)
: static
IMPORTANT: This data is added as-is without controls, so you have to validate your data before using this method.
- $xmp : string
Custom XMP data.
Return values
Associates keywords with the document, generally in the form 'keyword1 keyword2 ...'.
public setKeywords(string $keywords)
: static
- $keywords : string
Space-separated list of keywords.
Return values
Creates a link in the specified area.
public setLink(float $posx,
float $posy,
float $width,
float $height,
string $link)
: int
A link annotation represents either a hypertext link to a destination elsewhere in the document.
- $posx : float
Abscissa of upper-left corner.
- $posy : float
Ordinate of upper-left corner.
- $width : float
- $height : float
- $link : string
URL to open when the link is clicked or an identifier returned by addInternalLink(). A single character prefix may be used to specify the link action:
- '#' = internal destination
- '%' = embedded PDF file
- '*' = embedded generic file
Return values
int —Object ID (Add to a page via: $pdf->page->addAnnotRef($aoid);).
Add a named destination.
public setNamedDestination(string $name[,
int $page
= -1
float $posx
= 0
float $posy
= 0
]) : string
- $name : string
Named destination (must be unique).
- $page : int = -1
Page number.
- $posx : float = 0
Abscissa of upper-left corner.
- $posy : float = 0
Ordinate of upper-left corner.
Return values
string —Destination name.
Set the pdf document base file name.
public setPDFFilename(string $name)
: void
If the file extension is present, it must be '.pdf' or '.PDF'.
- $name : string
File name.
Set the PDF version (check PDF reference for valid values).
public setPDFVersion([string $version
= '1.7'
]) : static
- $version : string = '1.7'
PDF document version.
Return values
Set the pixel/point ratio used to convert pixel values to points.
public setPointToPixelRatio(float $val)
: void
- $val : float
Set the default document language direction.
public setRTL(bool $enabled)
: static
- $enabled : bool
False = LTR = Left-To-Right; True = RTL = Right-To-Left.
Return values
Enable document signature (requires the OpenSSL Library).
public setSignature(TSignature $data)
: void
The digital signature improve document authenticity and integrity and allows to enable extra features on PDF Reader.
To create self-signed signature: openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365000 -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout tcpdf.crt -out tcpdf.crt To export crt to p12: openssl pkcs12 -export -in tcpdf.crt -out tcpdf.p12 To convert pfx certificate to pem: openssl pkcs12 -in tcpdf.pfx -out tcpdf.crt -nodes
- $data : TSignature
Signature data:
- appearance (array) Signature appearance.
- empty (bool) Array of empty signatures:
- objid (int) Object id.
- name (string) Name of the signature field.
- page (int) Page number.
- rect (array) Rectangle of the signature field.
- name (string) Name of the signature field.
- page (int) Page number.
- rect (array) Rectangle of the signature field.
- empty (bool) Array of empty signatures:
- approval (bool) Enable approval signature eg. for PDF incremental update.
- cert_type (int) The access permissions granted for this document. Valid values shall be: 1 = No changes to the document shall be permitted; any change to the document shall invalidate the signature; 2 = Permitted changes shall be filling in forms, instantiating page templates, and signing; other changes shall invalidate the signature; 3 = Permitted changes shall be the same as for 2, as well as annotation creation, deletion, and modification; other changes shall invalidate the signature.
- extracerts (string) Specifies the name of a file containing a bunch of extra certificates to include in the signature which can for example be used to help the recipient to verify the certificate that you used.
- info (array) Optional information.
- ContactInfo (string)
- Location (string)
- Name (string)
- Reason (string)
- password (string)
- privkey (string) Private key (string or filename prefixed with 'file://').
- signcert (string) Signing certificate (string or filename prefixed with 'file://').
- appearance (array) Signature appearance.
Set the digital signature appearance (a cliccable rectangle area to get signature properties).
public setSignatureAppearance([float $posx
= 0
float $posy
= 0
float $width
= 0
float $heigth
= 0
int $page
= -1
string $name
= ''
]) : void
- $posx : float = 0
Abscissa of the upper-left corner.
- $posy : float = 0
Ordinate of the upper-left corner.
- $width : float = 0
Width of the signature area.
- $heigth : float = 0
Height of the signature area.
- $page : int = -1
option page number (if < 0 the current page is used).
- $name : string = ''
Name of the signature.
Set the signature timestamp.
public setSignTimeStamp(TSignTimeStamp $data)
: void
- $data : TSignTimeStamp
Signature timestamp data:
- enabled (bool) If true enable timestamp signature.
- host (string) Time Stamping Authority (TSA) server (prefixed with 'https://')
- username (string) TSA username or authorization PEM file.
- password (string) TSA password.
- cert (string) cURL optional location of TSA certificate for authorization.
Set regular expression to detect withespaces or word separators.
public setSpaceRegexp([string $regexp
= '/[^\S\xa0]/'
]) : void
The pattern delimiter must be the forward-slash character "/". Some example patterns are:
Non-Unicode or missing PCRE unicode support: "/[^\S\xa0]/" Unicode and PCRE unicode support: "/(?!\xa0)[\s\p{Z}]/u" Unicode and PCRE unicode support in Chinese mode: "/(?!\xa0)[\s\p{Z}\p{Lo}]/u" if PCRE unicode support is turned ON ("\P" is the negate class of "\p"): \s : any whitespace character \p{Z} : any separator \p{Lo} : Unicode letter or ideograph that does not have lowercase and uppercase variants. \xa0 : Unicode Character 'NO-BREAK SPACE' (U+00A0)
- $regexp : string = '/[^\S\xa0]/'
regular expression (leave empty for default).
Set the sRGB mode
public setSRGB(bool $enabled)
: static
- $enabled : bool
Set to true to add the default sRGB ICC color profile
Return values
Defines the subject of the document.
public setSubject(string $subject)
: static
- $subject : string
The subject.
Return values
Sets the hyphen patterns for text.
public setTexHyphenPatterns(array<string,
string> $patterns)
: void
- $patterns : array<string, string>
Array of hyphenation patterns.
Defines the title of the document.
public setTitle(string $title)
: static
- $title : string
The title.
Return values
Set User's Rights for the PDF Reader.
public setUserRights(TUserRights $rights)
: void
WARNING: This is experimental and currently doesn't work because requires a private key. Check the PDF Reference 8.7.1 Transform Methods, Table 8.105 Entries in the UR transform parameters dictionary.
- $rights : TUserRights
User rights:
- annots (string) Names specifying additional annotation-related usage rights for the document. Valid names in PDF 1.5 and later are /Create/Delete/Modify/Copy/Import/Export, which permit the user to perform the named operation on annotations.
- document (string) Names specifying additional document-wide usage rights for the document. The only defined value is "/FullSave", which permits a user to save the document along with modified form and/or annotation data.
- ef (string) Names specifying additional usage rights for named embedded files in the document. Valid names are /Create/Delete/Modify/Import, which permit the user to perform the named operation on named embedded files Names specifying additional embedded-files-related usage rights for the document.
- enabled (bool) If true enable user's rights on PDF reader.
- form (string) Names specifying additional form-field-related usage rights for the document. Valid names are: /Add/Delete/FillIn/Import/Export/SubmitStandalone/SpawnTemplate.
- formex (string) Names specifying additional form-field-related usage rights. The only valid name is BarcodePlaintext, which permits text form field data to be encoded as a plaintext two-dimensional barcode.
- signature (string) Names specifying additional signature-related usage rights for the document. The only defined value is /Modify, which permits a user to apply a digital signature to an existing signature form field or clear a signed signature form field.
Set the viewer preferences dictionary controlling the way the document is to be presented on the screen or in print.
public setViewerPreferences(TViewerPref $pref)
: static
- $pref : TViewerPref
Array of options (see PDF reference "Viewer Preferences").
Return values
Convert user units to internal points unit.
public toPoints(float $usr)
: float
- $usr : float
Value to convert.
Return values
Convert internal points to user unit.
public toUnit(float $pnt)
: float
- $pnt : float
Value to convert in user units.
Return values
Convert vertical user value to internal points unit.
public toYPoints(float $usr[,
float $pageh
= -1
]) : float
Note: the internal Y points coordinate starts at the bottom left of the page.
- $usr : float
Value to convert.
- $pageh : float = -1
Optional page height in internal points ($pageh:$this->page->getPage()['pheight']).
Return values
Convert vertical internal points value to user unit.
public toYUnit(float $pnt[,
float $pageh
= -1
]) : float
Note: the internal Y points coordinate starts at the bottom left of the page.
- $pnt : float
Value to convert.
- $pageh : float = -1
Optional page height in internal points ($pageh:$this->page->getPage()['pheight']).