Stack extends Buffer
in package
Table of Contents
- Default font size in points
- __construct() : string
- Initialize fonts buffer
- add() : string
- Add a new font to the fonts buffer
- addSubsetChar() : void
- Add a character to the subset list
- cloneFont() : TFontMetric
- Returns a clone of the specified font with new parameters.
- getCharBBox() : TBBox
- Returns the glyph bounding box of the specified character in the current font in user units.
- getCharWidth() : float
- Returns the width of the specified character
- getCurrentFont() : TFontMetric
- Returns the current font data array.
- getCurrentFontKey() : string
- Returns the current font key.
- getCurrentFontType() : string
- Returns the current font type (i.e.: Core, TrueType, TrueTypeUnicode, Type1).
- getEncDiffs() : array<int, string>
- Returns the fonts buffer
- getFont() : TFontData
- Get font by key
- getFontFamilyName() : string
- Returns the nomalized font family name or the current font name (key.
- getFonts() : array<string, TFontData>
- Returns the fonts buffer
- getOrdArrDims() : TTextDims
- Returns various dimensions of the string specified using an array of codepoints.
- getOrdArrWidth() : float
- Returns the lenght of the string specified using an array of codepoints.
- getOutCurrentFont() : string
- Returns the PDF code to use the current font.
- insert() : TFontMetric
- Insert a font into the stack
- isCharDefined() : bool
- Returns true if the specified unicode value is defined in the current font
- isCurrentByteFont() : bool
- Returns true if the current font type is Core, TrueType or Type1.
- isCurrentUnicodeFont() : bool
- Returns true if the current font type is TrueTypeUnicode or cidfont0.
- isSubsetMode() : bool
- Get the default subset mode
- isValidKey() : bool
- Returns true if the specified font key exist on buffer
- popLastFont() : TFontMetric
- Remove and return the last inserted font
- replaceChar() : int
- Replace a char if it is defined on the current font.
- replaceMissingChars() : array<int, int>
- Replace missing characters with selected substitutions
Default font size in points
public mixed DEFAULT_SIZE = 10
Initialize fonts buffer
public __construct(float $kunit[,
bool $subset
= false
bool $unicode
= true
bool $pdfa
= false
]) : string
- $kunit : float
Unit of measure conversion ratio.
- $subset : bool = false
If true embedd only a subset of the fonts (stores only the information related to the used characters); If false embedd full font; This option is valid only for TrueTypeUnicode fonts and it is disabled for PDF/A. If you want to enable users to modify the document, set this parameter to false. If you subset the font, the person who receives your PDF would need to have your same font in order to make changes to your PDF. The file size of the PDF would also be smaller because you are embedding only a subset. NOTE: This option is computational and memory intensive.
- $unicode : bool = true
True if we are in Unicode mode, False otherwhise.
- $pdfa : bool = false
True if we are in PDF/A mode.
Return values
string —Font key
Add a new font to the fonts buffer
public add(int &$objnum,
string $font[,
string $style
= ''
string $ifile
= ''
bool|null $subset
= null
]) : string
The definition file (and the font file itself when embedding) must be present either in the current directory or in the one indicated by K_PATH_FONTS if the constant is defined.
- $objnum : int
Current PDF object number
- $font : string
Font family. If it is a standard family name, it will override the corresponding font.
- $style : string = ''
Font style. Possible values are (case insensitive): regular (default) B: bold I: italic U: underline D: strikeout (linethrough) O: overline
- $ifile : string = ''
The font definition file (or empty for autodetect). By default, the name is built from the family and style, in lower case with no spaces.
- $subset : bool|null = null
If true embed only a subset of the font (stores only the information related to the used characters); If false embed full font; This option is valid only for TrueTypeUnicode fonts and it is disabled for PDF/A. If you want to enable users to modify the document, set this parameter to false. If you subset the font, the person who receives your PDF would need to have your same font in order to make changes to your PDF. The file size of the PDF would also be smaller because you are embedding only a subset. Set this to null to use the default value. NOTE: This option is computational and memory intensive.
Return values
string —Font key
Add a character to the subset list
public addSubsetChar(string $key,
int $char)
: void
- $key : string
The font key
- $char : int
The Unicode character value to add
Returns a clone of the specified font with new parameters.
public cloneFont(int &$objnum[,
int|null $idx
= null
string|null $style
= null
int|null $size
= null
float|null $spacing
= null
float|null $stretching
= null
]) : TFontMetric
- $objnum : int
Current PDF object number.
- $idx : int|null = null
Font index. Leave it null to use the current font.
- $style : string|null = null
Font style. Possible values are (case insensitive): regular (default) B: bold I: italic U: underline D: strikeout (linethrough) O: overline
- $size : int|null = null
Font size in points (set to null to inherit the last font size).
- $spacing : float|null = null
Extra spacing between characters.
- $stretching : float|null = null
Horizontal character stretching ratio.
Return values
Returns the glyph bounding box of the specified character in the current font in user units.
public getCharBBox(int $ord)
: TBBox
- $ord : int
Unicode character value.
Return values
TBBox —(xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax)
Returns the width of the specified character
public getCharWidth(int $ord)
: float
- $ord : int
Unicode character value.
Return values
Returns the current font data array.
public getCurrentFont()
: TFontMetric
Return values
Returns the current font key.
public getCurrentFontKey()
: string
Return values
Returns the current font type (i.e.: Core, TrueType, TrueTypeUnicode, Type1).
public getCurrentFontType()
: string
Return values
Returns the fonts buffer
public getEncDiffs()
: array<int,
Return values
array<int, string>getFont()
Get font by key
public getFont(string $key)
: TFontData
- $key : string
Font key
Return values
TFontData —Returns the fonts array.
Returns the nomalized font family name or the current font name (key.
public getFontFamilyName(string $fontfamily)
: string
- $fontfamily : string
Raw font family name.
Return values
Returns the fonts buffer
public getFonts()
: array<string,
Return values
array<string, TFontData>getOrdArrDims()
Returns various dimensions of the string specified using an array of codepoints.
public getOrdArrDims(array<int,
int> $uniarr)
: TTextDims
- $uniarr : array<int, int>
Array of character codepoints.
Return values
Returns the lenght of the string specified using an array of codepoints.
public getOrdArrWidth(array<int,
int> $uniarr)
: float
- $uniarr : array<int, int>
Array of character codepoints.
Return values
Returns the PDF code to use the current font.
public getOutCurrentFont()
: string
Return values
Insert a font into the stack
public insert(int &$objnum,
string $font[,
string $style
= ''
int|null $size
= null
float|null $spacing
= null
float|null $stretching
= null
string $ifile
= ''
bool|null $subset
= null
]) : TFontMetric
The definition file (and the font file itself when embedding) must be present either in the current directory or in the one indicated by K_PATH_FONTS if the constant is defined.
- $objnum : int
Current PDF object number
- $font : string
Font family, or comma separated list of font families If it is a standard family name, it will override the corresponding font.
- $style : string = ''
Font style. Possible values are (case insensitive): regular (default) B: bold I: italic U: underline D: strikeout (linethrough) O: overline
- $size : int|null = null
Font size in points (set to null to inherit the last font size).
- $spacing : float|null = null
Extra spacing between characters.
- $stretching : float|null = null
Horizontal character stretching ratio.
- $ifile : string = ''
The font definition file (or empty for autodetect). By default, the name is built from the family and style, in lower case with no spaces.
- $subset : bool|null = null
If true embedd only a subset of the font (stores only the information related to the used characters); If false embedd full font; This option is valid only for TrueTypeUnicode fonts and it is disabled for PDF/A. If you want to enable users to modify the document, set this parameter to false. If you subset the font, the person who receives your PDF would need to have your same font in order to make changes to your PDF. The file size of the PDF would also be smaller because you are embedding only a subset. Set this to null to use the default value. NOTE: This option is computational and memory intensive.
Return values
TFontMetric —Font data
Returns true if the specified unicode value is defined in the current font
public isCharDefined(int $ord)
: bool
- $ord : int
Unicode character value to convert
Return values
Returns true if the current font type is Core, TrueType or Type1.
public isCurrentByteFont()
: bool
Return values
Returns true if the current font type is TrueTypeUnicode or cidfont0.
public isCurrentUnicodeFont()
: bool
Return values
Get the default subset mode
public isSubsetMode()
: bool
Return values
Returns true if the specified font key exist on buffer
public isValidKey(string $key)
: bool
- $key : string
Font key
Return values
Remove and return the last inserted font
public popLastFont()
: TFontMetric
Return values
Replace a char if it is defined on the current font.
public replaceChar(int $oldchar,
int $newchar)
: int
- $oldchar : int
Integer code (unicode) of the character to replace.
- $newchar : int
Integer code (unicode) of the new character.
Return values
int —the replaced char or the old char in case the new char i not defined
Replace missing characters with selected substitutions
public replaceMissingChars(array<int,
int> $uniarr[,
array<string|int, int>> $subs
= []
]) : array<int,
- $uniarr : array<int, int>
Array of character codepoints.
- $subs : array<int, array<string|int, int>> = []
Array of possible character substitutions. The key is the character to check (integer value), the value is an array of possible substitutes.
Return values
array<int, int> —Array of character codepoints.