in package
Data for QrCode Barcode type class
Table of Contents
- ALIGN_PATTERN = [[0, 0], [0, 0], [18, 0], [22, 0], [26, 0], [30, 0], [34, 0], [22, 38], [24, 42], [26, 46], [28, 50], [30, 54], [32, 58], [34, 62], [26, 46], [26, 48], [26, 50], [30, 54], [30, 56], [30, 58], [34, 62], [28, 50], [26, 50], [30, 54], [28, 54], [32, 58], [30, 58], [34, 62], [26, 50], [30, 54], [26, 52], [30, 56], [34, 60], [30, 58], [34, 62], [30, 54], [24, 50], [28, 54], [32, 58], [26, 54], [30, 58]]
- Array Positions of alignment patterns.
- AN_TABLE = [ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 36, -1, -1, -1, 37, 38, -1, -1, -1, -1, 39, 40, -1, 41, 42, 43, // 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 44, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // -1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, // 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, ]
- Alphabet-numeric conversion table.
- CAPACITY = [[0, 0, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0]], [21, 26, 0, [7, 10, 13, 17]], [25, 44, 7, [10, 16, 22, 28]], [29, 70, 7, [15, 26, 36, 44]], [33, 100, 7, [20, 36, 52, 64]], [37, 134, 7, [26, 48, 72, 88]], [41, 172, 7, [36, 64, 96, 112]], [45, 196, 0, [40, 72, 108, 130]], [49, 242, 0, [48, 88, 132, 156]], [53, 292, 0, [60, 110, 160, 192]], [57, 346, 0, [72, 130, 192, 224]], [61, 404, 0, [80, 150, 224, 264]], [65, 466, 0, [96, 176, 260, 308]], [69, 532, 0, [104, 198, 288, 352]], [73, 581, 3, [120, 216, 320, 384]], [77, 655, 3, [132, 240, 360, 432]], [81, 733, 3, [144, 280, 408, 480]], [85, 815, 3, [168, 308, 448, 532]], [89, 901, 3, [180, 338, 504, 588]], [93, 991, 3, [196, 364, 546, 650]], [97, 1085, 3, [224, 416, 600, 700]], [101, 1156, 4, [224, 442, 644, 750]], [105, 1258, 4, [252, 476, 690, 816]], [109, 1364, 4, [270, 504, 750, 900]], [113, 1474, 4, [300, 560, 810, 960]], [117, 1588, 4, [312, 588, 870, 1050]], [121, 1706, 4, [336, 644, 952, 1110]], [125, 1828, 4, [360, 700, 1020, 1200]], [129, 1921, 3, [390, 728, 1050, 1260]], [133, 2051, 3, [420, 784, 1140, 1350]], [137, 2185, 3, [450, 812, 1200, 1440]], [141, 2323, 3, [480, 868, 1290, 1530]], [145, 2465, 3, [510, 924, 1350, 1620]], [149, 2611, 3, [540, 980, 1440, 1710]], [153, 2761, 3, [570, 1036, 1530, 1800]], [157, 2876, 0, [570, 1064, 1590, 1890]], [161, 3034, 0, [600, 1120, 1680, 1980]], [165, 3196, 0, [630, 1204, 1770, 2100]], [169, 3362, 0, [660, 1260, 1860, 2220]], [173, 3532, 0, [720, 1316, 1950, 2310]], [177, 3706, 0, [750, 1372, 2040, 2430]]]
- Array Table of the capacity of symbols.
- ECC_LEVELS = ['L' => 0, 'M' => 1, 'Q' => 2, 'H' => 3]
- Array of valid error correction levels QRcode has a function of an error correcting for miss reading that white is black.
- ECC_TABLE = [[[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]], [[1, 0], [1, 0], [1, 0], [1, 0]], [[1, 0], [1, 0], [1, 0], [1, 0]], [[1, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0], [2, 0]], [[1, 0], [2, 0], [2, 0], [4, 0]], [[1, 0], [2, 0], [2, 2], [2, 2]], [[2, 0], [4, 0], [4, 0], [4, 0]], [[2, 0], [4, 0], [2, 4], [4, 1]], [[2, 0], [2, 2], [4, 2], [4, 2]], [[2, 0], [3, 2], [4, 4], [4, 4]], [[2, 2], [4, 1], [6, 2], [6, 2]], [[4, 0], [1, 4], [4, 4], [3, 8]], [[2, 2], [6, 2], [4, 6], [7, 4]], [[4, 0], [8, 1], [8, 4], [12, 4]], [[3, 1], [4, 5], [11, 5], [11, 5]], [[5, 1], [5, 5], [5, 7], [11, 7]], [[5, 1], [7, 3], [15, 2], [3, 13]], [[1, 5], [10, 1], [1, 15], [2, 17]], [[5, 1], [9, 4], [17, 1], [2, 19]], [[3, 4], [3, 11], [17, 4], [9, 16]], [[3, 5], [3, 13], [15, 5], [15, 10]], [[4, 4], [17, 0], [17, 6], [19, 6]], [[2, 7], [17, 0], [7, 16], [34, 0]], [[4, 5], [4, 14], [11, 14], [16, 14]], [[6, 4], [6, 14], [11, 16], [30, 2]], [[8, 4], [8, 13], [7, 22], [22, 13]], [[10, 2], [19, 4], [28, 6], [33, 4]], [[8, 4], [22, 3], [8, 26], [12, 28]], [[3, 10], [3, 23], [4, 31], [11, 31]], [[7, 7], [21, 7], [1, 37], [19, 26]], [[5, 10], [19, 10], [15, 25], [23, 25]], [[13, 3], [2, 29], [42, 1], [23, 28]], [[17, 0], [10, 23], [10, 35], [19, 35]], [[17, 1], [14, 21], [29, 19], [11, 46]], [[13, 6], [14, 23], [44, 7], [59, 1]], [[12, 7], [12, 26], [39, 14], [22, 41]], [[6, 14], [6, 34], [46, 10], [2, 64]], [[17, 4], [29, 14], [49, 10], [24, 46]], [[4, 18], [13, 32], [48, 14], [42, 32]], [[20, 4], [40, 7], [43, 22], [10, 67]], [[19, 6], [18, 31], [34, 34], [20, 61]]]
- Array Table of the error correction code (Reed-Solomon block).
- ENC_MODES = ['NL' => -1, 'NM' => 0, 'AN' => 1, '8B' => 2, 'KJ' => 3, 'ST' => 4]
- Encoding modes (characters which can be encoded in QRcode)
- FORMAT_INFO = [[0x77c4, 0x72f3, 0x7daa, 0x789d, 0x662f, 0x6318, 0x6c41, 0x6976], [0x5412, 0x5125, 0x5e7c, 0x5b4b, 0x45f9, 0x40ce, 0x4f97, 0x4aa0], [0x355f, 0x3068, 0x3f31, 0x3a06, 0x24b4, 0x2183, 0x2eda, 0x2bed], [0x1689, 0x13be, 0x1ce7, 0x19d0, 0x762, 0x255, 0xd0c, 0x83b]]
- Array Format information
- LEN_TABLE_BITS = [[10, 12, 14], [9, 11, 13], [8, 16, 16], [8, 10, 12]]
- Array Length indicator.
- Max number of symbols for structured mode
- N1 = 3
- Down point base value for case 1 mask pattern (concatenation of same color in a line or a column)
- N2 = 3
- Down point base value for case 2 mask pattern (module block of same color)
- N3 = 40
- Down point base value for case 3 mask pattern (1:1:3:1:1 (dark:bright:dark:bright:dark) pattern in a line or a column)
- N4 = 10
- Down point base value for case 4 mask pattern (ration of dark modules in whole)
- QRCAP_EC = 3
- Matrix index to get error correction level from CAPACITY array.
- Matrix index to get remainder from CAPACITY array.
- Matrix index to get width from CAPACITY array.
- Matrix index to get number of words from CAPACITY array.
- Maximum QR Code version.
- Maximum matrix size for maximum version (version 40 is 177*177 matrix).
- Number of header bits for structured mode
- VERSION_PATTERN = [0x7c94, 0x85bc, 0x9a99, 0xa4d3, 0xbbf6, 0xc762, 0xd847, 0xe60d, 0xf928, 0x10b78, 0x1145d, 0x12a17, 0x13532, 0x149a6, 0x15683, 0x168c9, 0x177ec, 0x18ec4, 0x191e1, 0x1afab, 0x1b08e, 0x1cc1a, 0x1d33f, 0x1ed75, 0x1f250, 0x209d5, 0x216f0, 0x228ba, 0x2379f, 0x24b0b, 0x2542e, 0x26a64, 0x27541, 0x28c69]
- Array Version information pattern (BCH coded).
Array Positions of alignment patterns.
public array<string|int, array{: int, :
int}> ALIGN_PATTERN = [[0, 0], [0, 0], [18, 0],
[22, 0], [26, 0], [30, 0], [34, 0], [22, 38], [24, 42], [26, 46],
[28, 50], [30, 54], [32, 58], [34, 62], [26, 46], [26, 48], [26,
50], [30, 54], [30, 56], [30, 58], [34, 62], [28, 50], [26, 50],
[30, 54], [28, 54], [32, 58], [30, 58], [34, 62], [26, 50], [30,
54], [26, 52], [30, 56], [34, 60], [30, 58], [34, 62], [30, 54],
[24, 50], [28, 54], [32, 58], [26, 54], [30, 58]]
This array includes only the second and the third position of the alignment patterns. Rest of them can be calculated from the distance between them. See Table 1 in Appendix E (pp.71) of JIS X0510:2004.
Alphabet-numeric conversion table.
public array<string|int, int>
[ -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 36, -1, -1,
-1, 37, 38, -1, -1, -1, -1, 39, 40, -1, 41, 42, 43, // 0, 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 44, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // -1, 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, // 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,
30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
Array Table of the capacity of symbols.
public array<string|int, array{: int, :
int, : int, : array{: int, : int, : int, : int}}>
[[0, 0, 0, [0,
0, 0, 0]], [21, 26, 0, [7, 10, 13, 17]], [25, 44, 7, [10, 16, 22,
28]], [29, 70, 7, [15, 26, 36, 44]], [33, 100, 7, [20, 36, 52,
64]], [37, 134, 7, [26, 48, 72, 88]], [41, 172, 7, [36, 64, 96,
112]], [45, 196, 0, [40, 72, 108, 130]], [49, 242, 0, [48, 88, 132,
156]], [53, 292, 0, [60, 110, 160, 192]], [57, 346, 0, [72, 130,
192, 224]], [61, 404, 0, [80, 150, 224, 264]], [65, 466, 0, [96,
176, 260, 308]], [69, 532, 0, [104, 198, 288, 352]], [73, 581, 3,
[120, 216, 320, 384]], [77, 655, 3, [132, 240, 360, 432]], [81,
733, 3, [144, 280, 408, 480]], [85, 815, 3, [168, 308, 448, 532]],
[89, 901, 3, [180, 338, 504, 588]], [93, 991, 3, [196, 364, 546,
650]], [97, 1085, 3, [224, 416, 600, 700]], [101, 1156, 4, [224,
442, 644, 750]], [105, 1258, 4, [252, 476, 690, 816]], [109, 1364,
4, [270, 504, 750, 900]], [113, 1474, 4, [300, 560, 810, 960]],
[117, 1588, 4, [312, 588, 870, 1050]], [121, 1706, 4, [336, 644,
952, 1110]], [125, 1828, 4, [360, 700, 1020, 1200]], [129, 1921, 3,
[390, 728, 1050, 1260]], [133, 2051, 3, [420, 784, 1140, 1350]],
[137, 2185, 3, [450, 812, 1200, 1440]], [141, 2323, 3, [480, 868,
1290, 1530]], [145, 2465, 3, [510, 924, 1350, 1620]], [149, 2611,
3, [540, 980, 1440, 1710]], [153, 2761, 3, [570, 1036, 1530,
1800]], [157, 2876, 0, [570, 1064, 1590, 1890]], [161, 3034, 0,
[600, 1120, 1680, 1980]], [165, 3196, 0, [630, 1204, 1770, 2100]],
[169, 3362, 0, [660, 1260, 1860, 2220]], [173, 3532, 0, [720, 1316,
1950, 2310]], [177, 3706, 0, [750, 1372, 2040,
See Table 1 (pp.13) and Table 12-16 (pp.30-36), JIS X0510:2004.
Array of valid error correction levels QRcode has a function of an error correcting for miss reading that white is black.
public array<string, int>
['L' => 0,
'M' => 1, 'Q' => 2, 'H' => 3]
Error correcting is defined in 4 level as below. L : About 7% or less errors can be corrected. M : About 15% or less errors can be corrected. Q : About 25% or less errors can be corrected. H : About 30% or less errors can be corrected.
Array Table of the error correction code (Reed-Solomon block).
public array<string|int, array{:
array{: int, : int}, : array{: int, : int}, : array{: int, : int},
: array{: int, : int}}> ECC_TABLE = [[[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0],
[0, 0]], [[1, 0], [1, 0], [1, 0], [1, 0]], [[1, 0], [1, 0], [1, 0],
[1, 0]], [[1, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0], [2, 0]], [[1, 0], [2, 0], [2, 0],
[4, 0]], [[1, 0], [2, 0], [2, 2], [2, 2]], [[2, 0], [4, 0], [4, 0],
[4, 0]], [[2, 0], [4, 0], [2, 4], [4, 1]], [[2, 0], [2, 2], [4, 2],
[4, 2]], [[2, 0], [3, 2], [4, 4], [4, 4]], [[2, 2], [4, 1], [6, 2],
[6, 2]], [[4, 0], [1, 4], [4, 4], [3, 8]], [[2, 2], [6, 2], [4, 6],
[7, 4]], [[4, 0], [8, 1], [8, 4], [12, 4]], [[3, 1], [4, 5], [11,
5], [11, 5]], [[5, 1], [5, 5], [5, 7], [11, 7]], [[5, 1], [7, 3],
[15, 2], [3, 13]], [[1, 5], [10, 1], [1, 15], [2, 17]], [[5, 1],
[9, 4], [17, 1], [2, 19]], [[3, 4], [3, 11], [17, 4], [9, 16]],
[[3, 5], [3, 13], [15, 5], [15, 10]], [[4, 4], [17, 0], [17, 6],
[19, 6]], [[2, 7], [17, 0], [7, 16], [34, 0]], [[4, 5], [4, 14],
[11, 14], [16, 14]], [[6, 4], [6, 14], [11, 16], [30, 2]], [[8, 4],
[8, 13], [7, 22], [22, 13]], [[10, 2], [19, 4], [28, 6], [33, 4]],
[[8, 4], [22, 3], [8, 26], [12, 28]], [[3, 10], [3, 23], [4, 31],
[11, 31]], [[7, 7], [21, 7], [1, 37], [19, 26]], [[5, 10], [19,
10], [15, 25], [23, 25]], [[13, 3], [2, 29], [42, 1], [23, 28]],
[[17, 0], [10, 23], [10, 35], [19, 35]], [[17, 1], [14, 21], [29,
19], [11, 46]], [[13, 6], [14, 23], [44, 7], [59, 1]], [[12, 7],
[12, 26], [39, 14], [22, 41]], [[6, 14], [6, 34], [46, 10], [2,
64]], [[17, 4], [29, 14], [49, 10], [24, 46]], [[4, 18], [13, 32],
[48, 14], [42, 32]], [[20, 4], [40, 7], [43, 22], [10, 67]], [[19,
6], [18, 31], [34, 34], [20, 61]]]
See Table 12-16 (pp.30-36), JIS X0510:2004.
Encoding modes (characters which can be encoded in QRcode)
public array<string, int>
['NL' =>
-1, 'NM' => 0, 'AN' => 1, '8B' => 2, 'KJ' => 3, 'ST'
=> 4]
NL : variable NM : Encoding mode numeric (0-9). 3 characters are encoded to 10bit length. AN : Encoding mode alphanumeric (0-9A-Z $%*+-./:) 45characters. 2 characters are encoded to 11bit length. 8B : Encoding mode 8bit byte data. In theory, 2953 characters or less can be stored in a QRcode. KJ : Encoding mode KANJI. A KANJI character (multibyte character) is encoded to 13bit length. ST : Encoding mode STRUCTURED
Array Format information
public array<string|int, array{: int, :
int, : int, : int, : int, : int, : int, : int}>
0x72f3, 0x7daa, 0x789d, 0x662f, 0x6318, 0x6c41, 0x6976], [0x5412,
0x5125, 0x5e7c, 0x5b4b, 0x45f9, 0x40ce, 0x4f97, 0x4aa0], [0x355f,
0x3068, 0x3f31, 0x3a06, 0x24b4, 0x2183, 0x2eda, 0x2bed], [0x1689,
0x13be, 0x1ce7, 0x19d0, 0x762, 0x255, 0xd0c,
Array Length indicator.
public array<string|int, array{: int, :
int, : int}> LEN_TABLE_BITS =
[[10, 12, 14],
[9, 11, 13], [8, 16, 16], [8, 10, 12]]
Max number of symbols for structured mode
Down point base value for case 1 mask pattern (concatenation of same color in a line or a column)
public int N1 = 3
Down point base value for case 2 mask pattern (module block of same color)
public int N2 = 3
Down point base value for case 3 mask pattern (1:1:3:1:1 (dark:bright:dark:bright:dark) pattern in a line or a column)
public int N3 = 40
Down point base value for case 4 mask pattern (ration of dark modules in whole)
public int N4 = 10
Matrix index to get error correction level from CAPACITY array.
public int QRCAP_EC = 3
Matrix index to get remainder from CAPACITY array.
public int QRCAP_REMINDER =
Matrix index to get width from CAPACITY array.
public int QRCAP_WIDTH = 0
Matrix index to get number of words from CAPACITY array.
public int QRCAP_WORDS = 1
Maximum QR Code version.
Maximum matrix size for maximum version (version 40 is 177*177 matrix).
public int QRSPEC_WIDTH_MAX =
Number of header bits for structured mode
Array Version information pattern (BCH coded).
public array<string|int, int>
= [0x7c94,
0x85bc, 0x9a99, 0xa4d3, 0xbbf6, 0xc762, 0xd847, 0xe60d, 0xf928,
0x10b78, 0x1145d, 0x12a17, 0x13532, 0x149a6, 0x15683, 0x168c9,
0x177ec, 0x18ec4, 0x191e1, 0x1afab, 0x1b08e, 0x1cc1a, 0x1d33f,
0x1ed75, 0x1f250, 0x209d5, 0x216f0, 0x228ba, 0x2379f, 0x24b0b,
0x2542e, 0x26a64, 0x27541, 0x28c69]
See Table 1 in Appendix D (pp.68) of JIS X0510:2004. size: [QRSPEC_VERSION_MAX - 6]