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Table of Contents

include/tcpdf_static.php 3
tcpdf.php 81


Type Line Description
ERROR 188 Tag "since" with body "@since (4.5.019) 2009-02-28" has error
ERROR 471 Tag "since" with body "@since TODO" has error
ERROR 1037 Tag "see" with body "@see addTOC(), addHTMLTOC()" has error "\addTOC()," is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 1886 Tag "see" with body "@see getPageSizeFromFormat(), setPageFormat()" has error "\getPageSizeFromFormat()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 2605 Tag "see" with body "@see SetLeftMargin(), SetTopMargin(), SetRightMargin(), SetAutoPageBreak()" has error "\SetLeftMargin()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 2627 Tag "see" with body "@see SetTopMargin(), SetRightMargin(), SetAutoPageBreak(), SetMargins()" has error "\SetTopMargin()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 2642 Tag "see" with body "@see SetLeftMargin(), SetRightMargin(), SetAutoPageBreak(), SetMargins()" has error "\SetLeftMargin()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 2657 Tag "see" with body "@see SetLeftMargin(), SetTopMargin(), SetAutoPageBreak(), SetMargins()" has error "\SetLeftMargin()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 2671 Tag "see" with body "@see getCellPaddings(), setCellPaddings()" has error "\getCellPaddings()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 2690 Tag "see" with body "@see getCellPaddings(), SetCellPadding()" has error "\getCellPaddings()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 2712 Tag "see" with body "@see setCellPaddings(), SetCellPadding()" has error "\setCellPaddings()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 2861 Tag "see" with body "@see Cell(), MultiCell(), AcceptPageBreak()" has error "\Cell()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 2941 Tag "see" with body "@see SetAuthor(), SetCreator(), SetKeywords(), SetSubject()" has error "\SetAuthor()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 2952 Tag "see" with body "@see SetAuthor(), SetCreator(), SetKeywords(), SetTitle()" has error "\SetAuthor()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 2963 Tag "see" with body "@see SetCreator(), SetKeywords(), SetSubject(), SetTitle()" has error "\SetCreator()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 2974 Tag "see" with body "@see SetAuthor(), SetCreator(), SetSubject(), SetTitle()" has error "\SetAuthor()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 2985 Tag "see" with body "@see SetAuthor(), SetKeywords(), SetSubject(), SetTitle()" has error "\SetAuthor()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 3026 Tag "see" with body "@see AddPage(), Close()" has error "\AddPage()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 3038 Tag "see" with body "@see Open(), Output()" has error "\Open()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 3082 Tag "see" with body "@see getPage(), lastpage(), getNumPages()" has error "\getPage()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 3129 Tag "see" with body "@see setPage(), getPage(), getNumPages()" has error "\setPage()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 3140 Tag "see" with body "@see setPage(), lastpage(), getNumPages()" has error "\setPage()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 3151 Tag "see" with body "@see setPage(), getPage(), lastpage()" has error "\setPage()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 3164 Tag "see" with body "@see AddPage(), startPage(), endPage(), endTOCPage()" has error "\AddPage()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 3174 Tag "see" with body "@see AddPage(), startPage(), endPage(), addTOCPage()" has error "\AddPage()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 3189 Tag "see" with body "@see startPage(), endPage(), addTOCPage(), endTOCPage(), getPageSizeFromFormat(), setPageFormat()" has error "\startPage()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 3213 Tag "see" with body "@see AddPage(), startPage(), addTOCPage(), endTOCPage()" has error "\AddPage()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 3239 Tag "see" with body "@see AddPage(), endPage(), addTOCPage(), endTOCPage(), getPageSizeFromFormat(), setPageFormat()" has error "\AddPage()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 3803 Tag "see" with body "@see SetDrawSpotColor(), SetFillSpotColor(), SetTextSpotColor()" has error "\SetDrawSpotColor()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 3865 Tag "see" with body "@see AddSpotColor(), SetFillSpotColor(), SetTextSpotColor()" has error "\AddSpotColor()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 3877 Tag "see" with body "@see AddSpotColor(), SetDrawSpotColor(), SetTextSpotColor()" has error "\AddSpotColor()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 3889 Tag "see" with body "@see AddSpotColor(), SetDrawSpotColor(), SetFillSpotColor()" has error "\AddSpotColor()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 4069 Tag "see" with body "@see SetDrawColorArray(), SetFillColor(), SetTextColor(), Line(), Rect(), Cell(), MultiCell()" has error "\SetDrawColorArray()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 4086 Tag "see" with body "@see SetFillColorArray(), SetDrawColor(), SetTextColor(), Rect(), Cell(), MultiCell()" has error "\SetFillColorArray()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 4103 Tag "see" with body "@see SetTextColorArray(), SetDrawColor(), SetFillColor(), Text(), Cell(), MultiCell()" has error "\SetTextColorArray()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 4260 Tag "see" with body "@see SetFont(), setFontSubsetting()" has error "\SetFont()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 4532 Tag "see" with body "@see AddFont(), SetFontSize()" has error "\AddFont()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 4789 Tag "see" with body "@see Cell(), Write(), Image(), Link(), SetLink()" has error "\Cell()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 4834 Tag "see" with body "@see AddLink(), Annotation(), Cell(), Write(), Image()" has error "\AddLink()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 5007 Tag "see" with body "@see Cell(), Write(), MultiCell(), WriteHTML(), WriteHTMLCell()" has error "\Cell()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 5108 Tag "see" with body "@see SetFont(), SetDrawColor(), SetFillColor(), SetTextColor(), SetLineWidth(), AddLink(), Ln(), MultiCell(), Write(), SetAutoPageBreak()" has error "\SetFont()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 5872 Tag "see" with body "@see SetFont(), SetDrawColor(), SetFillColor(), SetTextColor(), SetLineWidth(), Cell(), Write(), SetAutoPageBreak()" has error "\SetFont()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 7496 Tag "see" with body "@see SetX(), GetY(), SetY()" has error "\SetX()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 7512 Tag "see" with body "@see SetX(), GetY(), SetY()" has error "\SetX()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 7523 Tag "see" with body "@see SetY(), GetX(), SetX()" has error "\SetY()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 7536 Tag "see" with body "@see GetX(), GetY(), SetY(), SetXY()" has error "\GetX()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 7569 Tag "see" with body "@see GetX(), GetY(), SetY(), SetXY()" has error "\GetX()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 7602 Tag "see" with body "@see SetX(), SetY()" has error "\SetX()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 7614 Tag "see" with body "@see setAbsX(), setAbsY(), SetAbsXY()" has error "\setAbsX()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 7625 Tag "see" with body "@see setAbsX(), setAbsY(), SetAbsXY()" has error "\setAbsX()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 7637 Tag "see" with body "@see setAbsX(), setAbsY(), SetAbsXY()" has error "\setAbsX()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 10557 Tag "see" with body "@see setImageScale(), getImageScale()" has error "\setImageScale()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 11086 Tag "see" with body "@see StartTransform(), StopTransform()" has error "\StartTransform()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 11109 Tag "see" with body "@see StartTransform(), StopTransform()" has error "\StartTransform()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 11134 Tag "see" with body "@see StartTransform(), StopTransform()" has error "\StartTransform()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 11147 Tag "see" with body "@see StartTransform(), StopTransform()" has error "\StartTransform()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 11160 Tag "see" with body "@see StartTransform(), StopTransform()" has error "\StartTransform()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 11174 Tag "see" with body "@see StartTransform(), StopTransform()" has error "\StartTransform()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 11207 Tag "see" with body "@see StartTransform(), StopTransform()" has error "\StartTransform()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 11218 Tag "see" with body "@see StartTransform(), StopTransform()" has error "\StartTransform()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 11230 Tag "see" with body "@see StartTransform(), StopTransform()" has error "\StartTransform()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 11243 Tag "see" with body "@see StartTransform(), StopTransform()" has error "\StartTransform()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 11255 Tag "see" with body "@see StartTransform(), StopTransform()" has error "\StartTransform()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 11266 Tag "see" with body "@see StartTransform(), StopTransform()" has error "\StartTransform()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 11278 Tag "see" with body "@see StartTransform(), StopTransform()" has error "\StartTransform()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 11300 Tag "see" with body "@see StartTransform(), StopTransform()" has error "\StartTransform()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 11330 Tag "see" with body "@see StartTransform(), StopTransform()" has error "\StartTransform()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 11343 Tag "see" with body "@see StartTransform(), StopTransform()" has error "\StartTransform()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 11357 Tag "see" with body "@see StartTransform(), StopTransform()" has error "\StartTransform()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 11420 Tag "see" with body "@see Line(), Rect(), Cell(), MultiCell()" has error "\Line()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 11436 Tag "see" with body "@see Line(), SetLineWidth()" has error "\Line()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 11622 Tag "see" with body "@see SetLineWidth(), SetDrawColor(), SetLineStyle()" has error "\SetLineWidth()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 13820 Tag "see" with body "@see PaneNo(), formatPageNumber()" has error "\PaneNo()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 13830 Tag "see" with body "@see PaneNo(), formatPageNumber()" has error "\PaneNo()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 17303 Tag "see" with body "@see Multicell(), writeHTML()" has error "\Multicell()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 21536 Tag "see" with body "@see addTOCPage(), endTOCPage(), addHTMLTOC()" has error "\addTOCPage()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 21746 Tag "see" with body "@see addTOCPage(), endTOCPage(), addTOC()" has error "\addTOCPage()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 22495 Tag "see" with body "@see endTemplate(), printTemplate()" has error "\endTemplate()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 22560 Tag "see" with body "@see startTemplate(), printTemplate()" has error "\startTemplate()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 22589 Tag "see" with body "@see startTemplate(), endTemplate()" has error "\startTemplate()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 22767 Tag "see" with body "@see setPageRegions(), addPageRegion()" has error "\setPageRegions()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 22782 Tag "see" with body "@see addPageRegion(), getPageRegions()" has error "\addPageRegion()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 22802 Tag "see" with body "@see setPageRegions(), getPageRegions()" has error "\setPageRegions()," is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 22821 Tag "see" with body "@see setPageRegions(), getPageRegions()" has error "\setPageRegions()," is not a valid Fqsen.

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